A bit about me . . .
➾ I am a fierce “leo” born in the hot August sun . . . warm hearted, generous, confident, outgoing, bossy, and passionate.
➾ I love to have the sun shining on my face as much as possible. I love to sweat to loud music, wear my fav camo workout pants and flip flops. I love getting my hands dirty in my garden. I love iced coffee, kombucha and red wine. I’m addicted to clearing clutter, cleaning and organizing anything! And after I’m done with that . . . I love sitting on my front porch with a glass of red wine and my boys.
➾ I am an early riser, and do my best work in the morning. I know and honor this about myself. I also know that I am a total bitch after 10pm, so I avoid human contact as much as possible!
➾ I am totally in love with my two boys, who are maturing into amazing young men . . . and this is my biggest accomplishment.
wellness coaching and clearing for women who want to live their truth