I came down with a crappy cold last week and I reluctantly made the decision to cancel two days of clients.
Boy – did that bring up some shit!!!
I’m being lazy.
I don’t work hard enough.
Just suck it up like everyone else does.
I don’t deserve to be able to take two days off work.
I am not worthy.
Yikes! Can you relate??
I thought I was doing the work around this idea that “busy-ness” = worthiness.
I was calling bullshit on this capitalistic concept.
I totally got it – saying “yes to rest” was the hip thing to do and I was totally doing it!
Until I was forced to rest for real- and I realized I wasn’t so hip after all!
Our capitalist society has programmed us from a VERY young age to believe that being “busy” means we are “productive” and being “productive” means we are “successful” & happy & worthy of love & everyone thinks we are amazing because we are busy busy busy!!!
Yet . . . most of us are walking around sleep deprived and depressed with calendars full of shit we don’t want to be doing – making deals with ourselves . . .
When I cross everything off my list – then I can rest.
When I get that next promotion – then I can rest.
When I finish the 25 loads of laundry – then I can rest.
Well guess what my beautiful friends – the “to do” lists keep on coming, there will always be the “next” promotion and the damn laundry NEVER ends!
SO . . . I wanted to share with you something that has helped me believe . . .
That I am worthy of rest.
That the world won’t fall apart if I take a few tasks off my “to do” list.
That my husband won’t think any less of me if I lose myself in a puzzle and a glass of wine for an hour (when I could be folding that laundry).
That I deserve to take a sick day to heal my body and rest my brain.
“No More Grind: How to Finally Rest with Tricia Hersey” podcast #139 on the “We Can Do Hard Things” Podcast (thank you Glennon, Abby & Amanda)!
“Why grind culture – a collaboration of capitalism and white supremacy – wants to keep us exhausted, and how we can resist a culture of overwhelming busy-ness.”
“HOW WE CAN RESIT A CULTURE OF OVERWHELMING BUSY-NESS” Yes please – I’ll take some of that!!
Just try it- let go of some of your “busy-ness” and say yes to rest.
It will probably feel a bit uncomfortable and may even bring up some shit (see beginning of this blog) – but do it anyway!
The world WILL NOT end if you take some time to rest- I promise!
Also – your “rest” may look different than her/his/their “rest” and that’s ok . . . you do you!
Your rest may be a walk in the woods – a phone call with your bestie – cooking your favorite meal – reading a book. Your way of resting is still resting & there are no rules!
I like to rest while keeping my hands a bit active – knitting, puzzling, gardening, drinking wine – and sometimes the occasional power nap sprinkled in.
My husband likes to rest completely horizontal on the couch, covered with a blanket and asleep in less than 5 minutes!
VERY different ways to rest – but it works for us because it feels good to us!
Be true to what feels good to you- because our world needs you – you beautiful, worthy, successful & RESTED human being!