Yup, It’s true, I DO love to exercise. Most mornings I wake up giddy with excitement to sit my butt down on a spin bike for an hour, or workout my core until I feel nauseous, or see my quads actually shaking while at barre class. I love to sweat, I love the loud music, I love my instructor pushing me harder than I would ever push myself, and I LOVE how I feel afterwards . . . strong . . . beautiful . . . alive.
It may sound a bit crazy to you . . . but it works for me!
The thing is, I wasn’t always in love with exercise. For most of my life, I exercised because I thought “I should.” I followed what others where doing and ignored what my body wanted. I ignored what my body kept whispering to me,
“This isn’t working for you . . . do it your way, NOT the way you think you SHOULD be doing it.”
I didn’t listen.
So for years, I would show up at the gym, do something pretty “half assed” for a while and then go home to eat a bag of potato chips for dinner . . . because I “could” . . . I had “worked out!”
I was actually pretty “healthy” in my 20’s and 30’s. I was a “healthyish” eater, I exercised here and there, I didn’t gain a lot of weight with my pregnancies, I dabbled in organic food, lived a pretty clean lifestyle and I felt “fine.”
It wasn’t until my 40’s that exercise became a big part of who I was and how I defined myself. My boys were older and didn’t “need” me as much, my life was more settled and I had a bit more time to really think about how I wanted to FEEL and what my body craved. I put a lot of effort into figuring out what worked for me and what didn’t for me . . . it took a few years to tweak but I think I’ve got it!
What DOESN’T work for me . . .
Exercising by myself.
Working out in the afternoon or evening.
Anything that involves running.
Exercising by myself. {Big one . . . worth mentioning again}
Working out in silence.
Uncomfortable workout clothing . . . especially anything that makes me “feel fat.”
Not sweating.
What DOES work for me . . .
Exercising while surrounded by amazing and strong peeps.
Working out with loud music . . . the louder the better.
Sweating . . . a lot.
Exercising in fabulous outfits.
Working out with instructors who kick my butt.
Pre paying for a class . . . it keeps me accountable.
Early morning workouts . . . I feel strong and beautiful all day long!
By really becoming CLEAR about what works and what doesn’t work for me . . . I have been able to take my exercising to a whole new level. It’s all about nourishing myself, listening to what my body craves, and taking the time for me.
My feeling “fine” has turned into feeling “amazing!” And I can honestly say . . . “I LOVE to exercise!”
My point in sharing my story with you, is not to get you to fall in love with exercising {though that could happen!!}
My point is . . . to remind you to LISTEN to what your body has to say.
What does your body and spirit crave?
How can you nourish your body each day?
What elements of exercise do you love, like or even just tolerate?
If you want to make exercise a part of your lifestyle to feel strong, alive and fabulous {and I truly hope you do} . . . you’ve got to do it YOUR WAY and LISTEN to that beautiful body of yours!! SO . . . what’s it saying?
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